Droopy Face

Recommended Treatments


Lower Facelift

Apprx. Time: 4 – 5 Hours

Apprx. Price: £4.000 – 6.000



Apprx. Time: 4 – 5 Hours


Apprx. Price: £4.000 – 6.000


Deep Plane Facelift


Apprx. Time: 4 – 6 Hours


Apprx. Price: £4.000 – 6.500


Thread Lift

Apprx. Time: 30 – 45 Minutes

Apprx. Price: £1.500 – 2.000

A droopy face, characterized by sagging skin and loss of facial contour, can contribute to a tired or aged appearance. Understanding the underlying causes of a droopy face and exploring available treatment options is crucial for individuals seeking to rejuvenate their facial appearance.

What Causes Droopy Face?

A droopy face can result from a combination of factors, including aging, genetics, sun exposure, and lifestyle habits. As we age, the skin loses elasticity and collagen, leading to sagging and drooping of facial tissues. Additionally, weakening of facial muscles and loss of fat volume can contribute to a loss of facial definition and contour, further exacerbating the appearance of a droopy face.

Which Treatments Can Be Applied for Droopy Face?


    1. Lower Facelift: A lower facelift is a surgical procedure aimed at lifting and tightening the lower face and neck area. By repositioning sagging tissues and removing excess skin, a lower facelift can effectively reduce the appearance of jowls, smooth out wrinkles, and restore a more youthful jawline and neck contour.

    1. Mid-Facelift: A mid-facelift targets the middle region of the face, including the cheeks and under-eye area. By lifting and repositioning sagging tissues in the midface, a mid-facelift can improve facial volume and contour, addressing sagging cheeks and nasolabial folds for a more rejuvenated appearance.

    1. French Lift: The French lift, also known as the mini facelift, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure designed to lift and tighten sagging facial tissues. By utilizing smaller incisions and advanced techniques, the French lift can provide subtle yet noticeable improvements in facial contour and definition, particularly in the lower face and neck.

    1. Deep Plane Facelift: The deep plane facelift is a comprehensive surgical procedure that targets deep layers of facial tissue to achieve long-lasting results. By repositioning muscles and fat pads, the deep plane facelift can effectively lift and rejuvenate the entire face and neck area, providing significant improvements in facial contour and definition.

By understanding the causes of a droopy face and exploring these treatment options, individuals can achieve a more youthful and revitalized facial appearance.