Dark Circles Under Eyes

Recommended Treatments

Eyebag Removal Surgery

Apprx. Time: 30 Minutes

Apprx. Price: £1500-2300

Aquashine Filler

Apprx. Time: 30 Minutes

Apprx. Price: £300-500

Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark circles under eyes are a common concern for many individuals, often attributed to various factors such as genetics, lack of sleep, or aging. Understanding the causes behind them is crucial in finding effective treatments.

Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark circles under eyes are a common concern for many individuals, often attributed to various factors such as genetics, lack of sleep, or aging. Understanding the causes behind them is crucial in finding effective treatments.

What Causes Dark Circles?

Several factors contribute to the development of dark circles under the eyes, including genetics, thinning skin, pigmentation irregularities, and lifestyle factors such as lack of sleep or excessive sun exposure.

Which Treatments Can Be Applied for Dark Circles?

When addressing dark circles under the eyes, various treatment options are available, tailored to individual needs and preferences. Two popular treatments include:

  1. Aquashine Filler: Aquashine filler injections can help reduce the appearance of dark circles by plumping the skin and stimulating collagen production, resulting in a smoother, more rejuvenated under-eye area.
  2. Eyebag Removal Surgery: Eyebag removal surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure that can effectively eliminate excess fat and skin around the eyes, reducing the appearance of dark circles and providing a more youthful, refreshed look.